The Shewsie has been supporting the local community from the current Langrove Street complex people since 1974, by providing a range of services such as an after-school club, trips and educational events for local young people. We also offer space for local groups to meet, bringing people together and helping people feel a part of the community.

We are now looking at getting more funding to carry on our work, but want to hear from your organisation to make sure we meet your needs and the needs of your service users. 

We would be really grateful if you could spend 5 minutes filling in this quick survey. The more organisations we hear from, the easier it will be for us to put on services that will make a difference to you and your service users.

We have a number of surveys for the local community. Please choose the one best suited to you.

This survey is for partner organisations who also support our local community. Our other surveys are:

Young person survey: A survey for local young people, particularly those using the Shewsie

Parent/carer survey: For parents or carers of local young people, particularly those using the Shewsie

General community survey: A survey for local people who do NOT look after young people currently using the Shewsie but are interested in the work we do.

Please pass these surveys on to any person in the area who wish to comment on the impact we have on the local area. If you are reading this on a paper copy, please ask a member of the Shewsie team for a copy of the surveys you need. 

If you want to speak to someone about this survey or would like to speak in more detail about what you'd like to see us do for the community, feel free to ring Dave Brereton on 0151 207 0725. 

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your organisation?

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* 2. Do any of the following apply to the service users you work with? (tick all that apply)

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* 3. How many service users do you work with each month? An estimate will do.

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* 4. Apart from the Shewsie, would you say that other local services/centres are good enough for residents in the local area?

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* 5. If you answered "no" to the last question, what are the reasons for this?

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* 6. We are looking at our activities to see what local partners want us to put on in the future. Some of the activities in the list below may already be happening, others are new ideas. At this stage we're just trying to see what you are interested in. Please tell us which activities you would refer your service users to if we provided them in future? Please tick all that apply

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* 7. If we provided the activities you referred to above, what would be the impact on your service users?

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* 8. If we could provide the activities you highlighted above and capacity was not an issue, approximately how many of your service users would you refer to us each month?

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* 9. We are always looking for partners to get involved in helping us support the community. If you are interested in getting involved, please tell us how in the boxes below.