Why are we asking your views ?

Woughton Community Council provides a range of services and support to the 15,000 people living within the parish, alongside the hundreds of people who work, attend school and visit the parish every day. 

Each year, we ask you, our residents, what you would like to see us do. Whilst we can't always do everything, we check every response and make sure that everybody who contributes has their views heard. Over the last year, this has meant that, following your feedback, we have:

- Increased the number of events, focusing on those that are suitable for everyone, young and old (community cinema, disco bingo, Coronation, Jubilee, community cafes)

- Worked with Crimewave to obtain CCTV cameras which will be used across the parish over the next three years to try and address issues such as anti-social behaviour, fly tipping, parking issues and other issues

- Increased cutting back of shrubbery to try and improve visibility and reduce the amount of litter / vermin within the bushes (this is ongoing - they just keep growing!)

- Worked with MKCC to try and address parking issues across the parish. This has not resulted in as much as we hoped, but we will continue to push for more improvements

- Updated dog waste bins and increased the number of waste bin within the parish. This will continue with more new bins planned

- Made some changes to mowing and planting, to help increase biodiversity and bring greater benefits to nature. 

- Created a 'flood kit' - equipment to help reduce the risks, mange the situation and recover more quickly if flooding happens again (this includes wet / dry vacuums, inflatable sandbags, water diversion equipment, dehumidifiers, etc.)

There are things that we can't do - roads, street lights, rubbish collections, schools, social care - these are all MKCC services and whilst we will assist where we can, we cannot do the work ourselves. We continue to offer the wide range of support that we always have - advice, wellbeing, youth services, landscaping, environment team, community grants, training and education, community centres and more.

This survey aims to see what matter most to you, what you would like to see us doing and what matters most. 

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* 1. Which estate do you live / work on?

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* 2. Of our current services, which do you think are important? Tick all that apply

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* 3. And of those services, which have you used or benefited from over the past year? Tick all that apply

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* 4. And of the projects and new initiatives over the past year, which do you support

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* 5. Last year, we kept the precept increase as low as possible - inflation meant that our costs increased by around 12%, with the increase kept at 5% (about £1 a month for most in the parish). This compares to some other areas in the city where increases were as high as 33%.

What is more important to you? 

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* 6. Are there other things that you would like to see Woughton Community Council provide? Please let us know your ideas, views or feelings below. 

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* 7. If you are happy to do so, please let us know a little bit about you....This helps us make sure we are hearing from as many in our community as possible. 

What age bracket do you fit into?

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* 8. And which of the following most accurately describe(s) you?

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* 9. Which race or ethnicity best describes you?

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* 10. Would you consider that any of the following apply to you?

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* 11. Many thanks for completing this survey. We will use your views to help decide on how we deliver services and support in the future. 

If there is anything else you would like to tell us about, please pop it in the box below.