Feedback on Neighbourhood Profiles

We are gathering feedback on Understanding Glasgow's neighbourhood profiles. We'd like to know what you think of the profiles, how they match your perceptions of the neighbourhoods described and if you have any suggestions for future content.

There are only a few questions, with an option to provide more comments, so completing this questionnaire should take no more than a couple of minutes. We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with valuable feedback so we can improve the website and online resources.

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* 1. Which profiles do you use (click all choices that apply)?

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* 2. For what purposes have you used the profile(s) (click all choices that apply)?

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* 3. Please tell us which profile you have used most often.

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* 4. How well did the information in this profile match your perception of the neighbourhood/sector?

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* 5. Did any of the information in the profile surprise you?

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* 6. What other information do you think would help to describe this area?

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* 7. Please add any other comments you want to make about the neighbourhood profiles...(if you have further comments or want to contact us, email us at