WCA Swimming with Wild Cetaceans

The World Cetacean Alliance has been working on the creation of a global guidance document for wild cetacean tourism activities that will be published in a report commissioned by Club Med.

The following guidelines have been created as a result of extensive stakeholder engagement activities with a range of experts in the field.

The final set of guidelines will go on to be the WCA approved Global criteria for Boat-based and swim-with cetacean tourism. The WCA will use this criteria as a standard for the wider industry to adhere to by implementing it across a range of accreditation schemes in 2018 and beyond.

Please complete the following survey to help us finalise the guidelines.

When completing this survey please bear in mind the following key points:

  • This is designed to be a Global Guidance document – we are aware that location, species and operation specific variations are likely to occur and will be reviewed on a case by case basis in the future. 
  • Except where management options are discussed, these guidelines are designed for an individual operator to be able to use to minimise their impact.
  • Some of the guidelines in the survey are supplemented with information found in INFO BOXES within the report. If you would like more context please read the full draft guidance document attached to the survey.

Please note that the attached guidance document is still in draft form, full revisions may not have been incorporated into this document at the time of reading.

The full draft document can be viewed here

If you have any questions or comments please email sophie.lewis@worldcetaceanalliance.org