Question Title

* 3. Beth yw pum nod cyntaf eich cod post? e.e. LL55 1
What are the first five characters of your postcode? e.g. LL55 1

Question Title

* 4. Beth yw strwythur eich busnes?
What is the structure of your business?

Question Title

* 6. Beth oedd eich trosiant yn y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf?
What was your turnover in the last financial year?

Question Title

* 7. O'i gymharu â'r ddwy flynedd flaenorol, sut mae eich trosiant wedi newid yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf?
In comparison to the two previous years, how has your turnover changed in the last two years? 

Question Title

* 8. Beth fu'r prif faterion i'ch busnes dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf? Ticiwch unrhyw rai sy'n berthnasol yn eich barn chi.
What have been the main issues for your business over the last two years? Please tick any that you consider relevant.

Question Title

* 9. A yw eich busnes wedi profi unrhyw un o'r effeithiau positif canlynol dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf?  Ticiwch unrhyw rai sy'n berthnasol yn eich barn chi.

Has your business experienced any of the following positive impacts over the last two years?  Please tick any that you consider relevant.

Question Title

* 10. A ydych wedi cael unrhyw gymorth ariannol gan y canlynol yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf?

Have you had any financial support from the following during the last two years?

Question Title

* 11. A allwch nodi pa rai o'r canlynol sy'n flaenoriaethau i'ch busnes dros y 1-5 mlynedd nesaf?

Please can you identify which of the following are priorities for your business over the next 1-5 years?

  Ar unwaith / Immediate Dros y 12 mis nesaf / Over the next 12 months 1-5 blynedd nesaf / 1-5 years Dim yn flaenoriaeth / Not a priority
Buddsoddiad yn y Busnes / Investment in the Business
Cynyddu gwerthiant  / Increase in sales
Sicrhau adeilad neu safle busnes newydd neu buddsoddi yn y safle presennol / Secure new business premises or invest in existing premises
Recriwtio staff / Recruitment of staff
Buddsoddi mewn  a chadw staff / Investment in and retaining staff
Marchnata & Hyrwyddo'r Busnes / Marketing and Promotion of the Business
Digideiddio'r busnes e.e. cyfryngau cymdeithasol, datblygu gwe, e-fasnachu, epos, rheoli stoc / Digitising the business e.g. social media, web development, e-trading, epos, stock control
Datblygu cynnyrch a gwasanaethau newydd / Develop new products and services
Ymchwil a Datblygu / Research and Development
Dychwelyd y busnes i lefelau masnach cyn COVID-19 / Return the business to pre COVID-19 levels of trade
Gwerthu tramor / Overseas Trade
Cynllunio Olyniaeth / Succession Planning
Lleihau costau a gorbenion / Reduce costs and overheads
Lleihau ôl troed carbon / reduce carbon footprint
Cynyddu neu datblygu cadwyni cyflenwi lleol / Increase or develop local supply chains

Question Title

* 12. Pa gymorth, os  o gwbl, bydd eu hangen ar eich busnes dros y 12 - 18 mis nesaf?

What type of support, if any, will your business will need over the the next 12 - 18 months?

Question Title

* 13. O ystyried perthynas eich busnes â Chyngor Gwynedd, pa un o'r adrannau canlynol ydych chi wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â nhw dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf?

Considering your business' relationship with Gwynedd Council, which of the following departments have you had contact with over the last 2 years?

Question Title

* 14. Pa rai o'r canlynol ydych chi'n ei ddefnyddio er gwybodaeth ar gyfer eich busnes?

Which of the following, if any, do you use to access information for your business?

Question Title

* 15. Ym mha ffyrdd ydych chi'n derbyn gwybodaeth fusnes ar hyn o bryd?

In what ways do you receive business information at present?

Question Title

* 16. Pa rai o'r mathau canlynol o gymorth fyddech chi'n ei ystyried yw'r mwyaf angenrheidiol a manteisiol i chi ar hyn o bryd? (Nodwch bob un sy'n berthnasol)
Which of the following types of support would you consider to be the most needed and advantageous for you at present? (Note each one that you consider relevant)

  Angenrheidiol / Essential Pwysig / Important Defnyddiol / Useful Dim angen / Not needed
Cynghorydd Busnes (dros y ffôn, wyneb yn wyneb, Zoom/Teams ayyb) / Business Councillor (over the phone, face to face, Zoom/Teams etc)
Gwefannau / Websites
E-bost neu e-bwletin / Email or e-bulletin
Podcasts / Podlediadau
Gwebinar/ Webinar
Sianeli Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol / Social Media Channels 
Cylchlythyrau / Newsletters
Gweithdai & Seminarau / Workshops and Seminars
Ymchwil fy hyn / Own Research
Rhwydwaith Fusnes & Ar Lafar / Business Network & Word of Mouth

Question Title

* 17. Os ydych yn aelod o unrhyw gymdeithas fasnach neu grŵp busnes, a fyddech cystal â rhoi manylion?

If you are a member of any trade association or business group, could you please provide details?

Question Title

* 18. Ydych chi'n derbyn Bwletin Cymorth Busnes Gwynedd ar hyn o bryd?

Do you currently receive the Gwynedd Business Support Bulletin?

Question Title

* 19. Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn ymchwilio i ffyrdd newydd o gadw mewn cysylltiad â busnesau yn y sir, ac i roi cyfle i bob un ddweud eu dweud a chynnig eu barn, waeth beth fo'u maint, lleoliad neu sector.

Pa rai o'r canlynol fyddai o'r diddordeb mwyaf i chi a'ch busnes?

Gwynedd Council is investigating new ways of keeping in touch with businesses in the county, and to give each one the chance to have their say and to offer their views, irrespective of size, location or sector.

Which of the following would be of most interest to you and your business?

Question Title

* 20. Beth yw prif uchelgais y busnes dros y 2-5 mlynedd nesaf?
What is the main ambition for the business over the next 2-5 years?

Question Title

* 21. Pa mor hyderus ydych chi yn y dyfodol i'ch busnes?
How confident are you in the future for your business?

Question Title

* 22. Beth yw'r agweddau gorau o redeg eich busnes yng Ngwynedd?
What are the best aspects of running your business in Gwynedd?

Question Title

* 23. Beth sydd angen gwella i helpu busnesau rhedeg yn effeithlon yng Ngwynedd?
What needs to improve to help businesses operate effectively in Gwynedd?

Question Title

* 24. A oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau eraill yr hoffech eu gwneud ynglŷn â'r arolwg hwn?

Do you have any other comments you'd like to make regarding this survey?

Question Title

* 25. A fyddech yn hapus i ni gysylltu â chi eto yn y dyfodol? Os felly, a fyddech cystal a rhoi eich manylion cyswllt?

Would you be happy for us to contact you again in the future? If so, could you please provide your contact details?