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SAVE OUR SEA LIFE – stop plastic pollution before it’s too late

We are filling our oceans with plastic at a truly terrifying rate.

By 2050 there could be more plastic in our ocean than fish.

Every year plastic weighing the same as 1 million London buses carelessly slips through our hands and into the ocean.

Every single second, around 15,000 plastic bottles are produced. Almost a third of all this plastic ends up in the sea.

Now, as many as 9 out of every 10 seabird species may have plastic in their gut.

One albatross was found with 3,000 pieces of plastic in its stomach, showing just how easily plastic is mistaken for food by sea life. Humanity’s waste is starving many of these animals when they consume our discarded plastics. Parent birds are even mistakenly feeding plastic to their chicks, filling their stomachs with indigestible waste from the earliest age.

After just a few decades of use, plastics now impact over 1,200 species in our oceans.

Plastic can stay in the environment for hundreds of years, so we must act now.

Your pledge could help rescue our oceans from this avalanche of plastic.

By pledging to reduce your use of single use plastics, you can be a part of the change so urgently needed. The scale of this problem means we need as many people as possible to commit.

Here’s some examples of what you can do today: Stop buying single use plastic bottles. Say no to unnecessary plastic straws. Don’t buy single use plastic bags.

With enough people like you, we can beat this. The scale of the crisis means we need the help of every single person who cares about this problem.

Countless species are threatened by plastics – and it’s all so avoidable. The urgency of this cannot be stressed enough.

Stand with us. Sign the pledge and help stop this.

I pledge to avoid single use plastics.

There is already enough plastic in the ocean to cover every single millimetre of coastline around the world – please, don’t add anymore.

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YES! I will stand with FFI going forward.

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Your Voice: Write what inspired you to take the pledge