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We are currently talking to as many people as we can to try and understand the challenges across Southway communities as we come out of the COVID lockdown. 

As a local housing provider, we deliver landlord services and invest in various projects and schemes (such as food clubs, advice services etc.) to benefit our tenants. We need to make sure they continue to deliver the right types of services and support, and that’s why we are carrying out this survey.

We are running a feedback campaign throughout the coming months across a range of topics from Health, to Income, to Environment. This week our feedback is based around COMMUNITY.

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* 1. Do you feel part of your community?

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* 2. If you answered No, please explain why. What would improve this for you?

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* 3. Do you ever feel lonely or isolated?

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* 4. Southway has lots of services aimed at supporting and bringing people together in the community. Would you like us to arrange for someone to call you? (Please include contact details if yes)

The pandemic has changed the way we communicate with one another, and with businesses and services.

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* 5. How do you prefer to communicate with us? (tick all that apply)

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* 6. How do you prefer to give feedback to us? (tick all that apply)

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* 7. Is there anything that makes it difficult for you to communicate with us in the way you want?

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* 8. If you answered Yes, please explain?

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* 9. Our central office, Southern Gate, has been closed for a year during the pandemic. Has this had an impact on the way you access our services?

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* 10. If Yes, please tell us more

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* 11. In order of preference, please tell us how you want to meet or see Southway staff when you need to?

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* 12. Would it be useful to have an online forum where you can give feedback and keep in touch with your community?

About you and your household

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* 13. How many people live in your home?

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* 14. How old are you (the survey responder)?

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* 15. Which best describes your total monthly household income?

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* 16. What is your ethnic group? Please choose one that best describes your ethnic group or background.

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* 17. Please tell us the first part of your postcode. For example, M19.

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* 18. Please use this space to make any other comments you may have about food and food poverty, or for your ideas on how Southway can offer services to help.

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* 19. Please provide your contact details if you want to enter the competition to win £25 shopping vouchers, or so that we can get in touch with you about comments you have made in the survey. You can choose to remain anonymous if you wish.

Thank you for your time and the answers you have provided.