Welcome to our slugtastic slugfest!

Before you tell us how you got on with your survey, we just need to go through a few things with you (bear with us, it won't take long).

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* 1. Please let us know, by ticking each box, that you are OK about a few things:

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* 2. Please tell us a bit about you!

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. Let's get going with our slug survey!   We are going to ask where you found the slugs in your garden. If you need to leave a section blank, don't worry.  So, let's start with how many slugs you found on your lawn.

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* 5. How many slugs did you count on any paved areas, decking or patio?

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* 6. How many slugs were in your flower beds?

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* 7. How many slugs were on your vegetable patch?

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* 8. How many slugs were under your pots or near a water feature?

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* 9. How many slugs were near - or in - a compost bin?

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* 10. How many slugs were in a greenhouse or cold frame?

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* 11. Did you find slugs anywhere else?

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* 12. When you add up all the slugs you found, what does the number come to?

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* 13. Did anything funny or unusual happen when you were doing the slug survey? Did you enjoy it (we hope you did)?  Did you learn loads about slugs?  We'd love to hear how you got on :)

Wow - that was great - thank you for taking part.  Now go and relax :)   Check our website after 3 May to see what we found out during our family slug count.  And remember, if your survey results are amazing, we'll be in touch.
Bye for now
The Slug Week team