Thanks for taking our survey

The Local Government Association has asked us at iStandUK to propose a data format in which information about local public services can be described and shared, as open data.

This survey will help us to come up with a format that fits with what councils, and other local organisations, are already doing, and which will be valuable in improving local public services.

Some of the questions are technical and will be relevant to IT people, and others are about serving customers.  Please answer the questions that you have an opinion on and skip those that you don't.  Don't worry if more than one person takes part from your organisation, we just want to hear as many opinions as we can get.

If you'd prefer to just send me your thoughts, please contact me at

Question Title

* 2. Does your organisation currently provide any of the following ... ?

Question Title

* 3. What could data about local public services be used for?

  Very Useful Useful Not Useful
To provide a combined directory of services from many providers for a particular audience group and locality?
Sharing service information across council boundaries?
To assess of the availability, quality, impact and capacity of locally delivered services matched to the needs or priorities of local citizens
To encourage the development of ‘apps’ to assist people finding services to meet needs and circumstances.

Question Title

* 4. What type of services should we consider as we define this format?

  Must Should Could
Services from Local Authorities
Personalisation / Social Care Services
Children's and Family Services
Services provided by Community / Voluntary groups and Charities
Services from commercial organisations