Whether you are self- isolating or just need something to distract you from our current situation, we have just the thing to help.
A fun weekly quiz to help keep your mind healthy and active.

So, join in, share with family & friends and beat the boredom!
Registered Charity No. 251051
Highest Scoring Participants

Week 1
30/30- Vera Lawton, David Porter
29/30- Dave, Dave B
28/30- Richard Church
27/30- Ben Melian
Week 2
28/30- David Porter, Mark Green
27/30- Clive Garston, Mark Deacon
26/30- Richard Church, Jim Askew
25/30- Wendy Nicol, David Harrington
Week 3
30/30- Mark Green
29/30- Richard Church
28/30- Carl Mawford, Ben Melian, David Harrington, Flo Cornwell
27/30- Clive Garston, Nicola Waller, Mark Deacon, Michael Stewart
Week 4
30/30- Joanne Butcher
29/30- Ben Melian, David Harrington, Gemma Gould
28/30- Clive Garston, Karen Deacon
27/30- Sarah Webster, Oli Clark, Jenny Deacon, Carl Mawford, Neil.B, Claire Price, Jo Raffaitin & Mel, Richard & Chris
Week 5
30/30- David Harrington, Claire Price
29/30- Gemma Gould
27/30- Mel, Richard & Chris
26/30- Karen Deacon, Richard Frost
Week 6
30/30- David Harrington
29/30- Gemma Gould, Clive Garston, Nigel & Helen, Mel, Richard & Chris
28/30- Carolyn Monaghan, Catherine Clark, Steven Peerless
27/30- Joanne Butcher, Fiona & Mike Wheatley
Week 7
30/30- Gemma Gould, Michelle Mawford
29/30- David Harrington, Jenny Deacon, Claire Price
27/30- Mel, Richard & Chris
26/30- Steve Stuart, Carolyn Monaghan, Brenden Adams, Richard Church
Week 8
30/30- Richard Church, Claire Price
29/30- Kate Waters, Michelle Mawford, Chloe Townsend, Martin & Sheena
28/30- Gemma Gould, Mark Deacon, David Harrington, Mel, Richard & Chris
27/30- Steve Stuart, Jon Rodriguez

There were more high scoring participants, but unfortunately their names were not left.

If you would like to see your name on the highest score list, please remember to leave your details at the end of the quiz.