Launched in 2011, the PSC100 group comprises caterers, dietitians, politicians, healthy eating campaigners and suppliers who operate in the public sector and use their collective 'clout' to drive government legislation and action towards helping people adopt healthier lifestyles through catering and education initiatives.

Concerns are growing across public sector catering that the current cost of living, food cost, supply and energy crisis are changing industry's ability to provide a catering service that lives up to expected standards.  The PSC 100 Group is working with the leading catering industry associations and other influential bodies to keep the government informed of the growing risks.

This survey is designed to give a snapshot of those concerns and risks and will be central to ongoing conversations about securing the required government support.  Please take 5-10 minutes to fill in this survey it could be vital to the short-term delivery of public sector catering services.

This survey is designed for service providers not for suppliers.  Please don't fill it in if you are a supplier as it may undermine some of the results.  We will publish the results for all on the Public Sector Catering website and newsletter.
8% of survey complete.