Hello innovators
On this form you can submit your entry for the 2017 PrescQIPP Innovation Awards - exciting eh!? Many great innovators have come before you, many not expecting to win. Yet those chosen few found themselves selected from amongst their peers to receive the accolades and the glory that comes with such a win. The PrescQIPP Innovation Awards are no ordinary awards. Why? Because the winners and commended will be selected from amongst your peers within the community, including the Gold award at the event in October, and then presented to the community. What greater credit to receive than from your UK colleagues? And knowing that your project could be widely adopted across the UK.

Geared up? Great! Let's proceed.

Below we have put the shortlisting and judging criteria that we will use this year for both newer and more established projects. Please do consider whether the information and attachments you provide will help the judges with the right information. Then, when you're ready please proceed below to fill in the form.

Good luck!

PLEASE READ - we've heard some people have lost their submission text when uploading documents - we recommend you have a copy of your text in word as a backup and submit your attachments before filling the boxes.

Question Title


Question Title

* 1. Applicant information

Guidance on word counts for the following questions - we won't limit but would request that you keep it to around 400 words per section

Question Title

* 4. Project Summary
What is the project attempting to tackle or improve?

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* 5. How was the project established? / How is it currently being established?

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* 6. Who are the main beneficiaries of the project? How would they benefit?

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* 7. What were the main outcomes and / or achievements of the project?

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* 8. Is there any additional information you'd like to provide to supplement this entry?

Supporting files (guidance)
We can accept PDF, DOC, DOCX via the upload system. If you are submitting in word please do not embed other files. If you need to submit Excel or Powerpoint files please send to help@prescqipp.info from the main contact e-mail citing your project name.

Question Title

* 9. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

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* 10. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

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* 11. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

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* 12. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

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* 13. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 14. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 15. Supporting files

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File
You're all done. Thanks for sharing and good luck.