Your personal monthly expenses

To maximise your tax efficiency and enable us to identify if there are payments that could be made from an alternative, more tax advantaged source, we ask that you provide a brief outline of your monthly personal cash flows for each type of expense below.

Note: This list is a guide, so feel free to provide any additional expenses at the end. Finally, please don’t sugar coat anything!

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* 1. Income (broken down into NHS and private)

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* 2. Mortgage/ rent

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* 3. Bills

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* 4. Food etc.

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* 5. Leisure/ social

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* 6. Fuel

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* 7. Car payments

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* 8. Holidays

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* 9. School fees

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* 10. Insurances etc.

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* 11. Savings/ ISAs

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* 12. Pension payments

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* 13. Any other expenses