If you are a self-employed freelancer thanks for clicking through but please don't take part, however, you can still help by telling all of your employed friends about this survey. 

All workers are legally entitled to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) or National Living Wage if 23+ (NLW) for every hour that they work.

Any overtime must be either paid or given as Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) if you are on the NMW/NLW level, otherwise, your average rate will fall below - this is not legal. 

If you are paid above the NMW/NLW rate then, unless your contract states otherwise, there is no legal requirement for you to be paid for overtime. However, be aware, that if the number of hours that you work overtime in a pay period means that your average hourly rate falls below the NMW/NLW rate - then this is non-compliance from the employer and illegal. 

Working additional hours to those that you are contracted for is common in the equestrian sector. The BGA is interested in your experiences and thoughts surrounding overtime.

This survey is 100% anonymous. We do not collect your name or contact details at any point. Please do share it with your colleagues and friends.

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* 1. Which discipline would you describe that you work in? (if it is a mixed yard select the one that is the most common) 

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. How many hours a week do you work on average?

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* 4. Are you paid at, below, or above the NMW/NLW? (visit the BGA website if you need help working this out and see the current rates here)

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* 5. Given the option, would you rather have more money or more time off?

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* 6. Do you ever work over the hours that are stated in your contract of employment (overtime)?

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* 7. Do you log/note the extra hours when you work any overtime?

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* 8. How are your overtime hours treated?

Thank you for your help with this important piece of research. The BGA is committed to improving the employment of all grooms. 

If you are not yet a BGA member, come and join us, and 1000's of other grooms today for just £25.50 per year.