
Welcome to the summer 2016 survey as part of Naturally Healthy Devon Schools (NHDS). It will help the NHDS team to identify and understand any changes that may take place in relation to Learning outside in the Natural Environment (LINE) and health during the project. Please take a moment to read this page as it contains some important information and definitions to help complete the survey.

Your answers will help us understand the issues that schools face and will help you to assess your own LINE and health needs. The information you submit as part of this survey will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Devon Naturally Healthy Schools Project and the impact that it has had for its funders (CPRE Devon, Natural England, DEFRA and Devon Education for Sustainability Working Group). The information may be shared with the funders in an anonymised form so that it is not possible for you or your school to be identified. We will send all participants a summary of the findings as soon as we can.

Please be aware that most questions will require an answer even if that means entering a zero for some of the numbers.

Please try and complete the survey in one go. However, if you need to exit the survey part-way through, questions answered on each page will be saved by clicking on the 'next' button, and you will be returned to the point you left previously. If you do this, please note you will need to complete the survey on the same machine on which you started.

Definitions to assist with completion:

LINE = ‘Learning in the Natural Environment’. This refers to curriculum or cross-curriculum related learning that takes place outdoors, either within school grounds or in greenspaces that you walk to with the pupils.

Greenspace = in the context of this project a local green place such as a school grounds (including garden, playing field and wildlife areas), local park, nature reserve or woodland, rather than a ‘hard landscaped’ area such as a tarmac surfaced sports area, playground or courtyard. This definition includes ‘blue space’, such as the sea, shoreline, riverside and ponds.

CPD = Continuing Professional Development of school staff and volunteers related to the delivery of LINE. This could be around specialist curriculum knowledge or involve increasing transferrable skills such as risk assessment, first aid, managing groups outdoors, etc. It includes a wide variety of activities, including skills sharing, observation, attending training events, mentoring, networking and on-line learning.

LINE provider = any organisation or individual who provides a LINE service to the school (whether paid or unpaid). This may include, but is not limited to, teaching sessions, lesson plans, activities and advice on any aspect of setting up and delivering LINE.

Volunteer = anyone who contributes their time to the school without being paid by the school (except out of pocket expenses). Governors are considered volunteers in this context.

Health & Wellbeing = A broad term that that covers physical and mental health, as well as wellbeing (e.g. comfort and happiness).

For further information please contact