1. ISAPS Website - Members Survey 2021

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20% of survey complete.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete our evaluation survey. We value your feedback and it will be used to help us evidence important changes required for the new ISAPS website.
Thank you for taking the time to support ISAPS.
We’re really interested in your opinions and perceptions on these questions below, as your responses will help us plan for the new ISAPS website.

Question Title

1. Please indicate your member status

Question Title

2. As a member, how often would you say that you visit the ISAPS website?

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3. Why would you visit the website? Select all that apply.

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4. Considering the following questions, please rate how strongly you agree with the statements below.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
It is easy to find what I am looking for first time
The ISAPS website content is kept up-to-date

Question Title

5. How often do you think new content is added to the website?