1. Introduction

Complete our survey for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher!

To say thank you for your help, we will be selecting at random ONE young person and ONE parent/guardian as the lucky winner of a £50 Amazon voucher. Winners will be notified by email once the survey closes. If you do not wish to enter the prize draw, just leave this section of the survey blank!

Why are we asking you to complete this survey?

To help us make sure that we offer the things that matter most to you, we’d like to know what you would like to see from our services: what you would like to stay the same and where you think changes can be made.

Most of all, we want to know if you think we could be offering services in different ways (e.g. using new technology and online resources), to help us make sure we reach those most in need.

The services we offer in Lewisham include Health Visitors and Children’s Centres for parents of babies and young children, and our School Aged Nursing Service, which is provided for older children at schools. Lewisham Council does provide other areas of support such as the Youth Service and Targeted Family Support, however this particular survey will focus on School Nursing, Health Visiting and Children's Centres. If you are completing the survey as a young person, we will be asking you about School Nursing services only.

This survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous. The information you provide will be kept confidential and we do not ask for your name or contact details. The information will be used by Lewisham Council only for the purposes of reviewing our 0-19 service, and your personal details will not be linked to your opinions in any way.

Question Title

* 1. This survey is for parents or guardians of children under 18 OR for young people attending Secondary School, College or Sixth Form. Are you: