
Each year we run a pupillage survey seeking views from future applicants. Your opinions matter to us and help shape both our recruitment processes and the outreach schemes we participate in. 

The best barristers do not all come from the same mould. They may be of any ethnicity, from any culture or race, of either sex and any gender (or none at all), any social background, and possess a multitude of other, diverse, characteristics. Keating Chambers wants to ensure that it attracts the best applicants, offers the best applicants a pupillage and retains them as tenants. 

By way of thank you, participants can choose to be entered into our free prize draw to win copies of "Bewigged and Bewildered" (a book written by a barrister about applying for pupillage), "The Secret Barrister" and Alexandra Wilson’s book "In Black and White" (about the challenges of being a black barrister) by providing their details at the end of this survey.

The closing date for responses is Monday 20 February 2023 at 5pm (UK time).
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25% of survey complete.