Question Title

* 5. Induction & Information Skills Training

BHCL makes available free on demand, information skills training sessions or tutorial sessions to all members of the MSD or OUH FT on a group or one-to-one basis. Our sessions aim to help readers to develop their search skills from beginner to advanced level. Most sessions include hands-on practice. Sessions are available in our libraries or at a location to suit the reader.
5.1. An initial induction session for individual members of at least 10 minutes duration will be offered at the time of registration. Group inductions are available on request by prior arrangement.

5.2. Information skills training sessions or tutorial sessions will be held within 1 week of a request being made, unless otherwise agreed with the user(s), and will be timed wherever possible to meet the requirements of the user(s).

5.3. We aim to ensure that, when surveyed, 90% of respondents will indicate overall satisfaction levels of “good” or above for information skills sessions attended.

These are our current draft standards in this area. Please submit your comments/thoughts/feedback in the box below: