
We invite you to participate in a 3-part study to understand perceptions of gulls in the UK.

Part 1: To contribute, you would complete this short (7 minute) survey to gauge your own feelings about newspaper headlines and photos related to gulls.

Part 2: After completing the survey, we invite you to use the Epicollect5 App to record sightings of gulls that you encounter in the next week, as part of the Gulls Eye project. Details of the project and App are here: https://five.epicollect.net/project/the-gulls-eye-project .

Part 3: We will request your email address in this survey in order to send a short (5 minute) follow-up survey after 7 days. After this, your email will be permanently deleted from this GDPR-compliant platform. The researchers will not share or retain your email.

By taking part, you will help us to develop a new method to monitor UK-wide patterns in gull behaviour, and to understand why perspectives on gulls vary around the UK.