Diagnosis and causes of lameness in endurance horses in the United Kingdom

Researchers at the Animal Health Trust are collecting data to investigate the incidence of various causes of lameness in endurance horses in the United Kingdom, diagnosed by veterinarians in first opinion practice. Data are also being collected on how this diagnosis was achieved. 
Horses eligible to participate: any horse undergoing endurance training and/or competition. 
Veterinarians eligible to participate: any veterinarian who is the first veterinarian to investigate the lameness.

The questionnaire will take approximately five minutes to complete and will be anonymous; there is no way to identify who submits a questionnaire. We do ask for the owner’s (or trainer's or rider's) email address in order to obtain their consent for participation in this study. This is compulsory for any research project. Owners will not be contacted directly for any other reason and the email database will be deleted at the end of the study.
Please complete the questionnaire within 72 hours of the lameness investigation if you did not take detailed clinical notes. If detailed clinical notes are available, the survey can be completed retrosepctively (for horses investigated from September 2016 onwards)
Data will be collected for two years (September 2016 - August 2018). A complete questionnaire on at least 200 lameness episodes is required for meaningful results. Regular reminders will be sent throughout the study period.

Thank you for taking time to fill in this questionnaire and for providing this information. We are very grateful for your contribution to this project.

If you have any queries please contact Annamaria Nagy on annamaria.nagy@aht.org.uk or +44 7930 986690.

7% of survey complete.