Investigating the Differences in Clinical Practice and Education


Did you know, that:

In Vienna, there are no closed psychiatric wards (except in forensic psychiatry)?
In Austria legislation leaves it open to every region to decide, whether there should be open or closed psychiatric wards?
In the UK acute psychiatric patients are isolated in "seclusion rooms" where there is only a soft mattress inside the room.In addition, they never use mechanical restrainment methods, such as belts?
In Greece, the number of nurses on a shift does not increase (there could be 2 nurses in charge of >30 patients), irrespective of the number of acute patients.
In Switzerland, there are belt-beds and seclusion rooms?
In Portugal, acute patients are premeditated by the emergency doctors and then transferred to the acute psychiatric ward?

Most doctors working In psychiatry in Europe have experiences with patients subjected to coercive measures. Will we end up so accustomed to the practices we see around us, that we lose the ability to think critically about what we do, but are drawn into a kind of mass suggestion? It is easy to tell yourself, that "coercion is a necessary evil."

Nevertheless, there are major differences around Europe of the type of compulsive actions patients are exposed to. Why is it "necessary" to tie patients to a bed in Norway several times each day, while in England they use soft cushions?

Why we decide to create this survey:
We try to investigate the differences in clinical practice and education on ethics, mental health legislation and involuntary treatment (medication and physical restraint) of psychiatric mental professionals, in order to have an up-to-date representation of European Psychiatric Training.

Who can participate:
Eligible to participate are psychiatric trainees and young psychiatrists.

How long does it take?
It will take you less than 5 minutes in order to complete our survey.