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* 1. Your details (if you would prefer to be anonymous please leave blank)

Question Title

* 2. Which marine licence authorisations you have applied for in the last 12 months (you can choose more than one licence type)

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* 3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Please mark the relevant box for each statement.

  strongly agree agree  disagree  strongly disagree
a. The East Marine Plans are easy to use
b. The East Marine Plans will improve sustainable development of our seas
c. The East Marine Plans have saved my organisation time in the pre-application phases of projects
d. The East Marine Plans have saved my organisation time in the formal application process of projects
e. The East Marine Plans have saved my organisation money
f. I have used the Marine Information System to help me apply the East Marine Plans
g. I have referenced the East Marine Plans in relevant applications
h. The relevant staff in my organisation understand the plan policies/objectives and how to apply them
i. There is a high level of awareness of marine plans among the relevant staff in my organisation
j. The relevant staff in my organisation have received the appropriate training to successfully apply the marine plans

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* 4. Please provide an example of when you have used the East Marine Plans as part of an application

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* 5. Please provide any further comments or information on the East Marine Plan, how it is used and any changes that have happened as a result of the plan.