Cyfraith Hawliau a'r Llywodraeth - Rights Law and Government

Question Title

* 1. Yn yr ysgol neu coleg, wyt ti'n dysgu am (Mae'n bosib ticio mwy nac un)
In school/college are you learning about (You can tick more than one)

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* 2. Lle ddylet ti ddysgu am hawliau plant? (Mae'n bosib ticio mwy nac un bocs)
Where should you learn about children’s rights? (You can tick more than one)

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* 3. Dwi'n teimlo fod y pobl yma yn gwrando arna i (Mae'n bosib ticio mwy nac un)
I feel listened to by (You can tick more than one)

Question Title

* 4. Wyt ti'n cymryd rhan mewn gwneud penderfyniadau hefo:(Mae'n bosib ticio mwy nac un)
Are you involved in decision making with (you can tick more than one)?

Question Title

* 5. Dylai Cymru gael Senedd Pobl Ifanc?
Should Wales have a Youth Parliament?

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* 6. Sut ddylai Senedd Pobl Ifanc weithio i gynnwys plant a phobl ifanc?
How should a Youth Parliament be made up to include all children and young people?

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* 7. Sut ddylai barn pobl ifanc gael eu clywed / cynnwys mewn Senedd Pobl Ifanc?(Mae'n bosib ticio mwy nac un)
How can younger children’s views be heard/feed into a youth parliament? (Can tick more than one)