1. Introduction

The recent Remaking Rothesay Charrette drew together conversations, consultations and opinions from across the Bute community into an action plan underpinned by a set of agreed common goals. This survey directly addresses one of the key principles from that plan to:

‘Foster opportunities for skills sharing and development, jobs, entrepreneurialism and business growth’

Through this short survey we are asking you to help us make that happen by telling us about your current business space and your business needs.  The survey is for you if you currently own or lease business premises or if you are working from home. It is also for you if you are not located on the island but might want to move your business to Bute, or if you would be interested in setting up a business on the island. 

The survey has been commissioned by the Bute Island Alliance with funding from Highlands and islands Enterprise. With your help, the information will allow us to secure investment and make sure that it creates the facilities and premises needed by businesses on Bute, now and in the future. 

All responses will be treated with confidence, and no responses will be attributable.  The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and your help is invaluable.  
If you own more than 1 business please complete for the principal business, or complete 1 survey for each business.
10% of survey complete.