Is your culture adaptive enough?

This short checklist challenges you to consider whether the fundamental assumptions and beliefs prevailing in your organisation are giving you the adaptive culture you need. 

Consider how people across your organisation would respond to these statements, in your leadership team, your middle managers, your frontline teams. 

Score 0-5 depending on how deeply and consistently you think these beliefs are held where 0 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. 

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I trust the intent of my colleagues. I can speak plainly and challenge the "emperor's new clothes" even when I believe what I'm saying will be unpopular.

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I believe the purpose of our organisation seeks to enrich the lives of our customers in a meaningful, relevant way, and everything we do is in support of this.

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My network is a critical source of creating value for the organisation - new ideas, efficiencies, speedy decisions and collective ownership. 

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I have a social and corporate responsibility to tell people when their behaviour is helping our performance and when it is not, and it's safe to do this. 

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I work with the right people to make decisions at speed. I engage with diverse and evolving groups of people across the organisation. 

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I have the conditions and freedom I need to add maximum value to the organisation. 

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I am confident that our organisation is set up to respond and adapt quickly and intelligently. 

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We know what we're good at, when it's right to build new capability and when it's right to say 'no'. 

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Experimentation is encouraged and rewarded; we test, fail and learn fast and often.

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It's everyone's responsibility to continually scan the horizon - talk to our customers, learn from other industries, and keep this new insight flowing through the organisation.