Career Insight Video and Quiz

Watch this interesting career aspiration video for Rhiann Sullivan and see if you can answer the questions below. 

Click here to watch the video.

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* 1. Rhiann is a Control Systems Engineer, how would you describe what she does?

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* 2. What subject at school did Rhiann have to work really hard at to improve her grades?

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* 3. When Rhiann was young she liked animals and wanted to be a what?

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* 4. Rhiann described a task of getting a crane to move a parcel from A to B. What did she say she did to be able to achieve this?

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* 5. When Rhiann described her apprenticeship journey and being unsuccessful at first, what 3 things did she say you should do when faced with a set back?

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* 6. Rhainn talked about needing to stand out, what did she suggest?

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* 7. What did Rhainn say was the best part of her job?

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* 8. What characteristics of a Grizzly Bear did Rhiann use to describe herself?

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* 9. Rhiann likes animals, what did she help her mum to do?

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* 10. 1What family influences helped to shape Rhianns choice of career?