
Northumberland National Park Authority is preparing a new Local Plan. This will guide future development in the National Park over the next 20 years.

This consultation follows on from the Issues Paper consultation earlier this year where we sought feedback on the key issues that should be addressed in the new Local Plan. We have now prepared a series of potential policy options based on the issues previously identified. We would like to know your thoughts on which of these you would, or would not, like to see taken forward into future planning policies. Perhaps you would like to suggest alternative options of your own. We want your views and would be grateful if you could answer as many of the questions as you can. 

The questions in this survey refer to the Policy Options Paper (October 2017) and for some questions you may also need to refer to the current Northumberland National Park Core Strategy and Development Policies (2009). Where this is the case, links to the relevant pages of this document have been provided should you wish to refer to the background information.

This survey is also available for you to download as a Word or PDF version should you wish to complete a hard copy:

The deadline for completing this survey is Monday 11th December 2017. Thank you in advance for providing your comments.