Moray Community Planning Partnership is in the process of developing a Parenting Strategy.
The aim is to ensure parents, of children of all ages, and others who undertake a parenting role eg kinship carers, foster cares, etc, are equipped and supported to be the best that they can be so that they, in turn, can give children and young people in Moray the best start in life.
The Moray Parenting Strategy will be based on the National Parenting Strategy
The key themes from the National Strategy are:

- Access to clear, concise information for parents
- Informed, co-ordinated support to develop parenting skills
- Improved access and availability to Early Learning and Childcare
- Addressing the wider issues which affect parenting abilities
- Encouraging parents to seek support without stigma or fear

This was based on what parents nationally told the Scottish Government they needed.
This survey aims to find out, within these broad parameters, what parents in Moray need.
It would be appreciated if you can complete the survey before 9th March 2018.
The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Please note that words in blue with an underline, are links to webpages that might be of interest/use.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you currently find information which supports you as a parent eg how to manage different issues such as feeding, behaviour, finding different activities your children can access, how to do practical things like register at nursery or school, etc?

  Know about it Use it Find it helpful Do not find it helpful
Family Information Service
Morinfo (a local information service on the internet)
Internet search eg Google
Social Media
School/ nursery
Welfare Map

Question Title

* 3. Would you like to be able to find information about the following? (Not all will be relevant for all groups.)

  For my preschool child For my primary school child For my secondary school child For my grandchild For me For my partner/other
Bonding and relationship building
Healthy diet/weight
Mental health and wellbeing
Physical health and wellbeing
Learning disabilities
Learning difficulties eg dyslexia
Bed wetting
Sleep issues
Additional Support Needs
Peer pressure/bullying
Drug/ alcohol issues
Activities in the local area
Emergency contraception
Preconception care/ planning to become a parent
Breast feeding
Welfare benefits
Managing money/ budgeting
Managing debt
Housing advice/ support
Being a single parent
Managing changes in my family structure eg separation, death
Parent/ baby toddler groups
Accessing and registering for free early learning and childcare
Finding and registering with school
Home education

Question Title

* 4. What is the best way for you to access information? Please rate from 1-8, 1 being the best way, 8 being the least effective way.