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Mae gan Fenter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam brosiect newydd cyffrous sy'n anelu at nodi cyfleoedd i ddatblygu gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg trwy agor meithrinfa newydd i wasanaethu Siroedd y Fflint a Wrecsam. Fel rhan o'n hymarfer ymgynghori byddem yn ddiolchgar pe bai pobl sy'n byw a / neu'n gweithio yng Ngogledd Ddwyrain Cymru yn medru cwblhau'r holiadur byr hwn o'u harferion teithio i'r gwaith mewn perthynas ag ymrwymiadau gofal plant. Mae yna 10 cwestiwn, a ddylai gymryd llai na 5 munud i'w hateb. Os bydd angen rhagor o wybodaeth arnoch, cysylltwch â Bronwen Wright ar Diolch am eich cymorth.

Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam have an exciting new project aiming to  identify opportunities to develop Welsh-medium childcare by way of a new day nursery that will serve Flintshire and Wrexham county areas. As part of our consultation exercise we would be grateful if people who live and/or work in North East Wales would complete this short survey of their travel to work practices in relation to childcare commitments. There are 10 questions, which should take less than 5 minutes to answer.  Should you require further information, please contact Bronwen Wright on Thank you for your assistance.

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* 1. Beth yw eich oedran? / What is your agegroup?

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* 2. Beth yw eich côd post cartref? / What is your home postcode?

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* 3. Beth yw côd post eich gweithle arferol? / What is the postcode of your usual workplace?

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* 4. Mewn wythnos arferol, ar sawl diwrnod ydych chi'n teithio i’ch gwaith? / In a normal week, on how many days do you travel to work?

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* 5. Faint o'r gloch ydych chi fel arfer yn gadael eich cartref i deithio i'ch gwaith? / What time do you usually leave home to travel to work?

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* 6. Faint o'r gloch ydych chi fel arfer yn gadael eich gwaith i deithio adref? / What time do you usually leave your workplace to travel home?

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* 7. Oes gennych chi ymrwymiadau gofal plant sy'n cael effaith ar sut neu pryd rydych chi'n teithio i’ch gwaith? Nodwch beth. / Do you have childcare commitments which impact how or when you travel to work? Please provide details.

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* 8. Faint o blant dibynnol sydd gennych chi? / How many dependant children do you have?

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* 9. A ydych chi'n defnyddio unrhyw ddarpariaeth gofal plant? / Do you use any childcare provision?

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* 10. Tua pa mor bell o'ch cartref a’ch gweithle mae eich prif ddarparwr gofal plant wedi'i leoli? / Roughly how far from your home and your workplace is your main childcare provider located?

0 of 10 answered