FTA World Champs Athletes

2.Rate your overall experience out of 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent
3.What was one thing about the event that stood out for you that was positive or you really liked?
4.What was one thing that stood out to you that needs improvement?
5.Did you enjoy the music? What would you suggest for music for next year?
6.Did you like the added athlete area on the stage this year? If yes, explain why?
7.Do you feel you had enough training time? If no, how much more time would you like to have? And, did you like the group time slots idea?
8.Did you feel that you were accustomed to the trampoline by the competition time? If no, explain why?
9.Did you like the BERG Half-Time Show?
10.What did you think of the new scoring system this year? Do you feel it reflected the athletes you thought should have won?