St James Primary Academy Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Curriculum

At St James Primary Academy, we welcome feedback from parents and carers. This helps us to review our practice and to ensure we are meeting the needs of children and parents. After kindly taking the time to read our PHSE and RSE policy we would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill in the following questionnaire.
1.Do think RSE education is an important part of the school curriculum.
2.RSE topics taught in school can make a difference to young
people’s lives
3.I feel happy to discuss growing up, sex and relationships with my  child in an age appropriate way. 
4.I am aware of the topics covered by PSHE and RSE at St James Primary Academy?
5.I understand and agree with the content of the PSHE and RSE policy
6.If you answered strongly agree or strongly disagree please give details.
7.Are there any changes or additions you feel should be made to the RSE policy or curriculum?
8.Is there anything we are not covering that you think we need to address?
9.As a parent, do you feel you need more information or guidance on specific topics? How would this best be communicated?
10.Please use this space to explain any answers in more detail or share any feelings relating to our PSHE and RSE curriculum.