I understand that my participation is voluntary, and I am free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason and without any adverse consequences (e.g. to medical care or legal rights, if relevant). I understand that if I withdraw, information about me that has already been obtained may be kept by Cardiff University.

I understand that data collected during the research project may be looked at by individuals from Cardiff University or from regulatory authorities, where it is relevant to my taking part in the research project.  I give permission for these individuals to have access to my data.

I consent to the processing of my personal information through an online survey for the purposes explained to me. I understand that such information will be held in accordance with all applicable data protection legislation and in strict confidence, unless disclosure is required by law or professional obligation.

I understand who will have access to personal information provided, how the data will be stored and that will happen to the data at the end of the research project.

I understand that after the research project, anonymised data may be made publicly available via a data repository and may be used for purposes not related to this research project. I understand that it will not be possible to identify me from this data that is seen and used by other researchers, for ethically approved research projects, on the understanding that confidentiality will be maintained.

I understand that anonymised excerpts and/or verbatim quotes from my questionnaire may be used as part of the research publication.

I understand how the findings and results of the research project will be written up and published.

I agree to take part in this research project.