A Message From the Director

Dear consumer,

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) is conducting a Joint Project within the Network on the topic “Online holiday booking: is the indicated price the final price?”  A lot of consumers complained in 2015 to ECC-Net because the price they finally paid or would have to pay for an online reserved flight, hotel or car was higher than the initially indicated price. Have you been in the same situation?

Please take one minute to share your very valuable experience with us!

Your contribution will allow us to identify to what extend the “phenomenon” of increased prices for online travel services breaches European consumer law.  The analysis of this subject appears essential to sustain the well-functioning of the single market, the development of the European consumer law and to improve consumer’s awareness of their rights while reserving holidays via the European digital single market.

Thank you.

Andy Allen
UK European Consumer Centre Director