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The questions below are designed to help us provide the best possible support to each individual school/education setting to equip them to promote mental health and wellbeing and support staff and pupils. Any information given will only be used to plan and guide the support offered to that specific school/setting and will not be shared or used to compare settings in any way. 

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* 1. Contact details for follow up support.

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* 2. Prior to attending the Wellbeing for Education Return webinars, what worries or concerns did you have around recognising and understanding mental wellbeing issues in pupils and colleagues, and offering appropriate support?  

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* 3. To what extent have the Wellbeing for Education Return webinars addressed these worries or concerns?

Not at all Completely
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  strongly AGREE AGREE Neutral DISAGREE strongly DISAGREE
I feel more confident in recognising that a pupil or colleague may be experiencing mental wellbeing difficulties.
I feel more confident in my ability to support pupils or colleagues who may be experiencing mental wellbeing difficulties.
I feel more confident in knowing where to access further support for pupils and colleagues who may be experiencing mental wellbeing difficulties.

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* 5. Have you formed a Mental Wellbeing Team/Mental Health Working Group or similar in your school/college/setting?

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* 6. Below are some suggestions of next steps and follow up support your school/college/setting may find useful. Please indicate how useful each would be for your school/college/setting?

  very USEFUL somewhat USEFUL already have this in place/completed not USEFUL not at the moment (please give further details below)
Support to map work already taking place in my school/college/setting to support and promote the mental wellbeing of pupils and staff.
More in-depth training for selected staff e.g. PPEP Care training or Mental Health First Aid training.
Support to cascade the Wellbeing for Education Return webinars to selected colleagues or the whole staff team in my school/college/setting.
Workshops or webinars about personal wellbeing for staff.
Support to identify ways to promote the mental wellbeing of staff in my school/college/setting and prevent mental wellbeing problems.
Support to develop mental health & wellbeing education in the curriculum.
Support to develop initiatives to promote pupil participation or pupil voice.
Support to make links with support services and develop a graduated approach to supporting pupils.
Support to develop our work with parents and carers around supporting their child/ren's mental wellbeing.
More information about using the SHaRON platform (Shared Hope and Resource Online Network) to support mental wellbeing practice in my school/college/setting.

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* 7. Would you like support to develop a whole school/college/setting approach to mental health and wellbeing?

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* 8. Please give details of anything else in the area of mental wellbeing you have identified in your school/college/setting that you would like to develop and the support you would like, or feel you need, to do this.

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