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* 1. Do you agree with the five recommendations above?

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* 2. Below are the full list of 18 recommendations from the report. Do you agree with these specific recommendations? Please tick either Yes or No.

  Yes No
Address increased mental wellbeing support needs of young people (alongside statutory services)
Review scale of increase in cases of domestic violence and the support needs of young people across LCR; better understand what services are available and the routes to accessing these for young people
Understand the impact this crisis will have on food, finances, and housing (eviction) for young people over the next 12 months and how the sector can address this
Address employment/training issues facing school leavers
LCR support and guidance for children and young people organisations to return to work, e.g. risk assessments, access to PPE
Guidance about adapting delivery models – especially face to face and in community venues/settings
Collective procurement of PPE supplies at LCR or Council level
Better collective and multi-agency working, e.g. understanding/awareness about signposting referral points within VCFSE and public sectors; develop a triage system for VCFSE organisations and level of need that different agencies are best placed to deliver
Call for more volunteers to support children and young people
Assess potential for LCR Cares to shift call to larger pots for delivery organisations in financial danger
Find ways to address digital exclusion for young people – especially disabled young people
Support from commissioners and flexibility of contracted delivery during COVID-19, e.g. monitoring requirements
Positive stories of young people adhering to lockdown, showing young care and are responsible
Promoting the value of youth work as part of our communities and the response to date
Children and young people’s consortium development support
Longer term funding
The impact of lost income on VCFSE children and young people’s delivery organisations
Potential public sector funds for non-COVID-19 delivery over next 2 years

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* 3. Is there anything missing? If so what?

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* 4. Would you use the paper/recommendations in conversations with commissioners/decision makers?

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* 5. Do you want to help implement? If so how?

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* 6. Would you like to sign up to a WhatsApp group in order to share experiences about returning to work, supporting staff, implementing social distancing, delivering services, etc. please supply a mobile number and tick the box below to confirm permission.

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* 7. Please tick to confirm that you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group using the mobile number above. You may leave the group at any time.