
This survey is for people with dementia and carers.

The survey is meant to guide contents for a new book on dementia and dementia care for junior doctors.

The book will be made available free-of-charge.

Dementia care occurs in a number of settings, for example at home, in hospitals, in care homes, or in hospices, for example.

There are about 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK.

There are also at least a million unpaid members of the family in some sort of caring role, as well as millions of paid carers too.

You are invited to take part in this survey if you're a person living with dementia, a carer, or other interested party.

You will be asked a few questions about your opinion about, and experience of, care. In total the survey should take about ten minutes to complete.

The answers will be used to design a book to be made freely available to all junior doctors in training to help improve dementia care.