Drinks industry insiders - we need you!

Take our 5-minute survey to be part of the The Footprint Drink Industry ESG Trends Report 2023!

The report highlights key trends, best practice and areas which require urgent action, providing an up-to-date roadmap to drive the drinks industry towards a more sustainable future.

It focuses on key areas including strategy and culture, energy and emissions, clients and consumers, packaging and waste, energy, emissions and natural resources and social impact.

Last year’s report can be found here: https://www.foodservicefootprint.com/footprint-drinks-industry-esg-trends-report-2022/  
Questions are prompts, and sections/questions outside of your expertise/experience or which have already been answered can be skipped.

Or, if you would prefer to have a quick chat, email amy.fetzer@footprintholdings.com to set up a call.
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12% of survey complete.