Feedback from the last Lending Process Survey was extremely positive and triggered several meetings with Lenders to improve the mortgage and conveyancing process.  So far we have seen major High Street Lenders reduce the number of post offer queries raised by conveyancers by up to 30%.

By the legal industry working together to track progress and identify areas of further improvement we hope to provide a platform to develop a better process for all.

Please take 5 minutes to have your say and to help us all make a difference to the conveyancing process.

Please complete the survey by  Friday 3rd February and pass it on to anyone and everyone you know who interacts with the mortgage process.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 2. In the last month, how many of your clients have had their mortgage offer withdrawn or declined?

Question Title

* 3. Please confirm your Case Management Provider:
     *This is with a view to lobbying lender panels to integrate with Case Management Systems and  to avoid duplicated data entry.