Devon CCG is keen to organise a collaborative procurement of recommended PPE for CCG commissioned care at GP practices across Devon.

By purchasing PPE in bulk for practices we want to;
  1. ensure practices have the relevant equipment they need to support business continuity and ongoing COVID19 measures
  2. minimise the amount of time practices have to spend processing orders and claims
  3. achieve best value for money.
Our aim is to procure enough PPE for 3 months and practices will need to use these supplies rather than order themselves. 

To get this right we need to obtain some basic information from you, so that we can get you what you need.

Please complete this survey based on your expected need over the next 3 months. Please give your best estimations, but do not feel you have to exaggerate claims, as sufficient PPE will be procured.

You will also need to consider storage of PPE, as its likely this will need to be held by practices.

To ensure that we include your estimates in the procurement, you must respond by Friday 3 July

IMPORTANT – The CCG is proposing this as an interim measure while long terms options are considered.  In the meantime, please continue to source PPE independently until these arrangements have been put in place. GP practices will be kept informed about progress. Clipper and the CCG PPE Cell can continue to supply emergency provisions.

When completing the survey, please consider:

‘Direct patient care’ sessions include doctors, nurses, paramedics, HCA’s, chiropodists, ophthalmologist, and any other specialist clinicians working for the practice.

Reception includes meeting and greeting patients, dealing with face to face enquiries.

Back office staff include medical secretaries, all administrators, finance, practice managers, cleaners and anyone else using the building employed by the practice but not seeing patients.

A ‘session’ is a time period where the staff member can wear the same PPE. Once taken off, the PPE cannot be put back on, and new PPE will be required after a toilet, drink and/or lunch break.

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* 1. GP practice name

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* 2. GP Practice code

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* 3. Name of person completing this survey

As per the ‘recommended PPE for primary care’ table above

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* 10. Please indicate the number of PPE items in unused boxes you currently have (e.g. if you have 50 unopened boxes of masks, with 50 in each box please enter 2500)

(Please give your best estimations. Sufficient PPE will be procured, so do not feel you have to exaggerate claims. In order for us to be as effective as possible accurate information is essential)

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* 11. What PPE suppliers does the practice normally use?

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* 12. Any other comments?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey