NAWRA is responding to the DWP's proposed amendments to the work capability assessment (WCA)

The proposed changes were announced in an oral statement on 5 September in which the Secretary of State said - 
'We have seen a huge shift in the world of work over the last few years, a huge change that has accelerated since the pandemic. This has opened up more opportunities for disabled people and those with health conditions to start, stay and succeed in work. The rise in flexible working and homeworking has brought new opportunities for disabled people to manage their conditions in a more familiar and accessible environment. More widely, there have been improvements in the approach many employers take to workplace accessibility and reasonable adjustments for staff. And a better understanding of mental health conditions and neurodiversity has helped employers to identify opportunities to adapt job roles and the way disabled people and people with health conditions work.'
Introducing the consultation, the DWP says - 
'The proportion of LCWRA outcomes at WCA has risen significantly since the activities and descriptors were last reviewed, from 21 per cent in 2011 to 65 per cent in 2022. Where people are assessed as LCWRA they are not expected to undertake any work preparation activity and receive an additional amount of benefit. An assessment as having LCWRA should be for severe functional limitation, but its application has gone beyond this. There are 2.4 million claimants in either the universal credit LCWRA or employment and support allowance (ESA) support group, compared with 450,000 claimants within the universal credit limited capability for work (LCW) or ESA work-related activity group.'
In order to reduce the numbers in the LCWRA group, the DWP is therefore proposing changes to four of the descriptors - mobilising, continence, social engagement and getting about - and the 'substantial risk' provisions, so that the WCA 'keeps up with the way people work today'.
NAWRA is planning to submit a response to the inquiry and wants to include the views of all our members, so please do take half an hour of your time to complete the following survey - if you have examples of the impact that such changes might cause, please include them as they can be particularly powerful in getting the point across.
Answer as many questions as you can, but it is also fine to skip some if you don't have a view.
The closing date for this survey is Friday 6 October to allow us time to collate the responses before the closing date of 30 October 2023.
If you have views which are not covered by the survey, or you would like to be more involved in our response, please email