
The Western Gateway Sub-national Transport Body (STB) covers a large, diverse geography and contains some of the UK’s fastest-growing sectors in a variety of locations. Given the STB’s economic potential, it is crucial that its strategic transport corridors are able to provide the best levels of connectivity possible.

The purpose of the STB is to produce a Strategic Transport Plan which will:
- Be a multi-modal strategy that considers Sub-national connectivity only;
- Identify issues and infrastructure requirements
- Complement local transport strategies to enable the delivery of shared objectives; and
- Focus on the strategic travel corridors through a series of Multi-Modal corridor studies.

The next step in the process involved a focus on rail and its role in the Western Gateway geography to develop a Rail Strategy. As part of the initial stage of this process, we are consulting key stakeholders and community groups in order to capture their views and priorities to support the development of Conditional Outputs for the Strategy.
This eConsultation contains four pages and should take 10-15 minutes to complete:
- this introduction page;
- comments on Vision and Objectives;
- a SWOT analysis of rail in the region; and
- an opportunity to provide any other comments.

The deadline to submit this eConsultation is 31 December 2019.

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* 1. Please enter your full name

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* 2. Which organisation do you represent?

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* 3. What is your role or title in your organisation?

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* 4. Please enter your email address if you would like to be kept up to date about the outcomes of this eConsultation and the Rail Strategy development.

GDPR statement: by providing your personal data you are consenting to be contacted by either the Western Gateway Steering Group, consisting of the nine local authorities listed above, or the consultants WSP who are leading the engagement and Rail Strategy development. Your information will never be passed on to a third party and will be deleted after the completion of the Rail Strategy.

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25% of survey complete.