Scottish Government Consultation - Equalities and Human Rights Committee


Scottish Disability Equality Forum (SDEF) works for social inclusion in Scotland through the removal of barriers to equality and the promotion of independent living for people affected by disability.

We are a membership organisation who represent individuals affected by disability and organisations and groups who share our values. Our aim is to ensure that the voices of people affected by disability are heard and heeded within their own communities and at a national and political level.

SDEF will collect all the responses from our members and write a report. SDEF will give the report to the Scottish Government. SDEF will make sure our members voices are heard.

Please give SDEF your response before Tuesday 22 November 2016. Please accept our apologies for the short notice.    

About this consultation  

The Equalities and Human Rights Committee of the Scottish Parliament is considering the Scottish Government proposed budget for the financial year 2017 to 2018. Over the course of its work programme, the Committee will consider many issues regarding equality policy and the various protected characteristics set out under the Equality Act 2010, such as age, gender, sexual orientation and so on.

On this occasion the Committee has decided to focus this call for evidence on the experience of disabled people and the British Sign Language (BSL) users.

Specifically, the Scottish Government would like to hear from disabled people and BSL users in Scotland about their experience applying to a Scottish University, or attending a Scottish University. 

The Committee would also welcome input from families, carers, groups or organisation which seeks to promote and support the rights of disabled people and BSL users in Scottish society, as well as anyone else with an interest in the issue.      

Question Title

* 1. Background

In the current financial year Scottish Government spending is around £640 million of public money supporting Scotland's 19 universities. In return for this funding, universities agree to deliver on certain policy targets set by the Scottish Government, which the Government believes is important. Public funding is delivered through a government agency known as the Scottish Funding Council.

Each year the Scottish Funding Council reaches an agreement with each of Scotland's 19 universities on the targets to be met in return for funding. One of these targets is to ensure universities widen access to undergraduate places for people who may otherwise find it difficult to attend a university.  

Question Title

* 2. What the Scottish Government need your help with

The Equalities and Human Rights Committee want to explore whether this policy is working for disabled people and BSL users in Scotland.  

The Committee is looking to learn about the experience of disabled people and BSL users in applying to, and/or studying at one of Scotland's 19 universities as an undergraduate student.

Question Title

* 3. Tell the Scottish Government about your experience of applying to a Scottish University, whether you gained a place or not? What could be changed about the qualifications process to ensure equality of opportunity?

Question Title

* 4. If you have studied at a Scottish university as an undergraduate, were there any barriers which stopped you taking full advantage of your time at university? Please tell the Scottish Government about them, for example, please think about access to extra curricular activities, using all the university facilities or joining student life etc.

Question Title

* 5. If you studied at a Scottish University did you achieve the qualification you wanted? If not, tell the Scottish Government why you think that was? For example, think about if it was because there was barriers holding you back from your achieving your full potential.

Question Title

* 6. Did studying at a Scottish University help to improve your chances of successfully gaining employment? Please tell the Scottish Government about your experience.