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* 1. How big a part of your life is walking/exercising in the open countryside around or near to where you live?

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* 2. Do you find that exercise outside (walking, jogging, cycling) outdoors helps improve your energy levels and mood?

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* 3. Do you find that exercise (walking, jogging, cycling) outdoors helps you feel more able to cope with life's challenges (resilience)?

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* 4. Do you find that exercise outside (walking, jogging, cycling) outdoors helps reduce your stress levels and worries?

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* 5. What difference does it make to your energy levels and mood if the view is natural vs developed?

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* 6. What difference does it make to your resilience (ability to cope with life's challenges) if the view is natural vs developed?

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* 7. What difference does it make to your stress levels and worries if the view is natural vs developed?

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* 8. In terms of the Enso Energy Bramford Solar Farm and EDF Tye Lane Solar Farm developments, have you seen the plans and understand what the visual impact will be?

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* 9. In the last 2-3 years have you experienced any of the 4 most common wellbeing challenges with which access to natural countryside has helped? (Tick all that apply)

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* 10. How anxious and worried do you feel about the impact these solar developments would have on your wellbeing and mental health?