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Feedback on the draft Vision Statement & Objectives

Please use the comments box linked to the question below to tell us about your suggested changes to the wording. 

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* 1. What changes should be made to the following wording?

Our proposed Vision for how the Parish of Writtle will grow and develop over the period to 2036 is:
Writtle will continue to be a thriving and vibrant community whose character, rich heritage and natural assets are protected and enhanced in their rural setting separate from the City of Chelmsford, and where the Parish benefits from a distinct identity of its own.  Sustainable development in the parish will help make it a better place in which to live, learn, work or visit.

Objective 1- Our Built Environment
To conserve and enhance Writtle’s unique identity, history and character as reflected in its heritage assets, landscape setting, distinctive local features and architectural quality within the built form.  To promote high-quality design and sustainability standards within any new development.
Objective 2- The Natural Environment 
To conserve, manage and enhance Writtle Parish’s natural environment and to enable access for the enjoyment of the public. This includes measures that safeguard the natural water systems, wildlife and biodiversity, mitigate climate change and support enduring sustainability.  To retain the separation between Writtle and Chelmsford which gives the Parish its distinct identity.
Objective 3- Our Community and Wellbeing
To support a flourishing and inclusive community through the provision of a mix of housing types, with appropriate infrastructure including community, health, education and leisure facilities.
Objective 4 – Business and Economy 
To encourage the creation, retention and growth of local businesses, training facilities and employment opportunities.
Objective 5 - Access and Movement
To promote active and sustainable travel that is safe and attractive for all, including walking, cycling and public transport, and to seek to adopt measures that reduce the impact of traffic in the parish.
Objective 6 – Writtle University College
To work in collaboration with the College to support its growth as a centre of excellence for learning and to deliver improved access to sports, leisure, recreation, education and training opportunities for the benefit and enjoyment of the community.

Please use the comments box below to set out your suggested changes (making it clear if the change relates to the Vision or one or more of the Objectives) and provide some details as to why you believe the change(s) are required.

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