Empowerment Charity is in the process of setting up a new service aimed at preventing suicide in Blackpool and supporting those who have been affected by a loss through suicide. This will include a range of new peer support groups that will target specific community groups who have experienced a loss. We will also raise awareness and bring the community together in the immediate weeks after a suicide has occurred, in the aim to help support families and the community in that area.

We are in the early stages of developing this project and would really appreciate your input into the following questions so we can create a marketing campaign to reach anyone who has experienced a loss through suicide. We know and understand the sensitive nature of this subject and want to get this right so your input is really important, especially around what we should call the project and language that is used in communication.

We appreciate writing your story can be a trigger and urge you to reach out for help if you feel you need support. You can call The wellbeing and mental health helpline service on 0800 915 4640 Mon-Fri 7pm til 11pm Sat-Sun 12pm till midnight. If you need free, confidential support around suicide bereavement please call 0330 088 9255

Thank you for your help.

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* 1. Your Full Name

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* 2. Your Email

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* 3. Your Phone Number

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* 4. How long has it been since you have lost somebody to suicide?

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* 5. What do you feel would be a suitable name for the
project and could you explain your suggestions?

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* 6. If you find this difficult can you suggest words that might be useful and why?

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* 7. How do you feel you were supported when you experienced your loss?

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* 8. Do you associate any thoughts or feelings regarding lack of support when you experienced your loss?

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* 9. Are there any support groups locally, nationally or online that you have attended? If so can you list their names and where you heard about them?

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* 10. Other than support groups, where else do you get support?

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* 11. How did you find information when needing support?

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* 12. How did you receive support/information?
For example was it through online services, face to face, leaflets etc.

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* 13. Can you suggest what support worked best for you and your family?

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* 14. Would anything prevent you attending a peer support group in person?

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* 15. What times and days would best suit you?

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* 16. Would you attend a family centred peer support group with young children?

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* 17. As difficult as this may be, can you put into your own words your experience of losing someone to a suicide?

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* 18. From your personal experience what is the one thing you feel would make a difference?

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* 19. Is there anything else you feel you would like to share?

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* 20. Would you be happy to be contacted at a later date to share your story publicly?