Chapel FM Arts Centre will be going through some exciting changes in the coming year.

Starting in October we'll celebrate the 5th anniversary of our home, the Chapel FM Arts Centre in Seacroft. Stay tuned for details.

Then next year we'll be expanding. We recently purchased the adjacent former Methodist Church Hall and starting next April, we'll begin the process of renovating and connecting that space with the Chapel. By early autumn 2020 we'll have a fabulous new Community Cafe Open Space, a multi-purpose hall, a kitchen, meeting room and more.

As part of the preparations for these changes, we're taking some time to understand how our community see us by getting feedback on several topics.

One of those is our name - or we should say, names.

To most people we're Chapel FM Arts Centre (or Chapel FM for short). Our radio station is East Leeds FM (or ELFM). Our larger organisation name is Heads Together Productions.

We're asking for your thoughts on what we're called.

Please take a few minutes to respond to the following Name & Identity Survey:

Question Title

* What do you like or not like about the name Chapel FM Arts Centre?

And do you think the name fits with what we do?