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Members of the SMP who are not able to attend the 24th March 2021 EGM are able to use this online form to vote in absentia.  For full details on the meeting CLICK HERE

Question Title

* 1. Are you a member of the Scotland Malawi Partnership?

Question Title

* 2. Name:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation (if relevant):

Question Title

* 4. Email:

Question Title

* 5. Do you vote to pass the below motion?

“The Scotland Malawi Partnership will migrate from a company limited by guarantee (charity number SC037048) to a SCIO (charity number SC050781) known as The Scotland Malawi Partnership SCIO. The transfer will be effective from midnight on 31 March 2021. All assets, liabilities, undertakings, projects, staff etc will transfer as at that date. Thereafter, Scotland Malawi Partnership (Limited by Guarantee) will be wound up.”

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