Survey Categories

What's Going On Now? is a national project on music education and young people's music-making in Scotland.

You can find more about why the research is being done and what it will involve on our online participant information sheet.
In brief, however:
  • Participation is voluntary - there may be no direct benefit to you in participating, and it's up to you whether you take part. You can leave out any questions you want to, and you can withdraw all your responses from the research at any time, without giving a reason, by emailing the researcher (
  • You are guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity (although you may choose to have your name included in the report if you wish), and your responses will be stored securely according to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. 
  • By completing 1 or more questions in the survey, you are giving your consent to your responses being used in the research.
First of all, we need to make sure our questions are relevant to you.

Question Title

* Are you a...

If you feel that more than one of these roles applies to you, choose the one that's most important to you, or which you spend most time in.

If none of these roles is right for you, but you want to be part of the research, feel free to get in touch (

These surveys are part of a wider project to build up a picture of What's Going On Now? - we'll also be contacting schools, colleges and universities, local authority instrumental music services, and others!