The Women Resource Centre (WRC) is committed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Women’s Commissioning Support Unit (WCSU) in improving commissioning practices in a way that emphasises the value of the work done by women’s organisations. For this purpose they have appointed Ruth Townsley and Helen Wallis Dowling to conduct a longitudinal external evaluation of WSCU.

The Women’s Commissioning Support Unit (WCSU) is a three year project, funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and hosted by Women’s Resource Centre. It exists to develop the strategic and delivery capacity of the women’s voluntary sector to engage with commissioning opportunities.

The WCSU project is currently being piloted in Manchester, Cambridgeshire, the Northeast and the West Midlands. However, we are asking all of our WRC network members to complete this survey because we want to establish a baseline for the project so that we can measure the distance travelled towards the following project outcomes:

• Capacity to engage in innovative forms of service delivery and able to bid for contracts as part of a partnership or consortium.
• Commissioners identify and assess needs of women and girls, developing policy direction and selecting collaboration and partnership or consortium as appropriate delivery mechanisms to achieve the best outcomes for women and families.
• Brokered contracts to the value of £2m

The information you give us will be processed by Ruth and Helen and will only be used for the purpose outlined above. The information will only be made available to appropriate external bodies where it is needed to evidence the impact of WCSU. Please complete by Friday 30th September 2016.

If you have any problems completing the survey contact If you have any problems completing the survey contact ruth@ansuz.org.uk or helen@ansuz.org.uk.

If you want to know more about the WCSU project, please contact Dionne Nelson, Head of Business Development & Innovation at WRC - dionne@wrc.org.uk  DD: 0207 697 3454 

Question Title

* 1. CONSENT - I understand that the organisations/people participating in the research will remain completely anonymous. I have seen the information above and I understand the nature of the study. I understand that I can withdraw from the survey at any time or may refuse to answer any questions.